Thursday, October 23, 2008

Are you stressed out?

Do you ever feel like pulling out your hair or just wish you could scream your lungs out? It really doesn't matter what age you are, all of us at some stages in life experience 'high stress levels'. Here are some stress indicators. If you're experiencing a lot of them, better be wary and find some way to relax.

1. You're always late for work, school, meetings, appointments, etc.
2. You have trouble finishing your sentence.
3. You're impatient and always losing your temper over minor issues.
4. You feel tired most of the time.
5. You get up few times in the night.
6. You find it hard to fall asleep or you sleep too much.
7. You smoke or drink more alcohol than usual.
8. You always put the blame on other people.
9. Nothing you do seems fun anymore.
10. You have high blood pressure, diarrhoea, headache, shoulder ache, etc.
11. You feel moody and sick most of the time.
12. Friends and families keep on asking, "Are you ok?"

Feel free to add in some more.

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